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Fraudsters - Stranger Than Fiction

In Episode 4 of the For Your Consideration Podcast we take a look at confidence tricksters, how they manage to traverse and target every aspect of the vulnerable spots of the human mind, and turn those weak spots to their advantage.

The most obvious parts of the human mind which are vulnerable to manipulation are our desire for spiritual fulfilment (the fear of mortality / meaningless of our existence), assuaging our egos, and in a more sinister and nefarious way, directly researching and harvesting certain personality types in order to achieve a dirty end!

Whilst we didn't mention them in the podcast, there are another few well known individuals who were fond of pulling the wool over the eyes of the masses, which we've linked below. One of whom Irish listeners may notice from the back windscreen of family cars...!

Kubrick said of Alan Conway (Left in picture), “my films aren’t good enough for him, but I am..? What an ingrate!”

'The Countefeit Kubrick' - 1999 - The Guardian

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh arrives in Limerick, Ireland, 1986

Scene from Polanski's 1968 film 'Rosemary's Baby'

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